Gathering Music


Ringing of the Church Bell     


Affirmation of Faith

Love is the Doctrine of this Church,

The Quest for Truth is its Sacrament,

Service is its Prayer,

And this is our Covenant:

To dwell together in Peace,

To seek the truth in Love,

And to help one another.



# 429 by William F. Schulz




Lighting the Chalice                                         

We gather this hour as people of faith,

with joys and sorrows, gifts and needs.

We light this beacon of hope,

Sign of our quest for truth and meaning,

in celebration of the life we share together.





May we forgive ourselves and each other

and begin again in love.

* please  rise in body and spirit


Greet Your Neighbor


* Hymn                 

#21 - For the Beauty of the Earth


Sharing of Personal Joys, Sorrows, and Milestones


* Doxology 

From all that dwell below the skies, 

Let songs of hope and faith arise, 

Let peace, good will on earth be sung, 

Through every land by every tongue. Amen




Responsive Reading  

#568 by Marge Piercy


Posing, Contemplating, & Sharing about:

How can you tell whether or not something is good?



“Water Not Wine” as told by Elisa Davy Pearmain


* Hymn

  #112 - “Do You Hear?”



 Bearing Fruit





  Loose Change for Social Change for June, Planned Parenthood.




* Hymn                     

 #123 - Spirit of Life


Closing Words  

#569 by Olympia Brown


Extinguishing the Chalice & Postlude